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This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Hi LS whats up.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol yeah one of mine was givin to me by my dad (the v-6) and i bought the other one myself right b4 he gave it to me
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: well my dad's gone and my mom don't have money to by me one, so guess I'll have to save my pennies to get another one.
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: my parents prolly wont buy me a car..i hope they do but i doubt it..
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol yeah i guess so, i worked my ass off the sumer between my freshman and sophmore years to get the money to pay for the one and then worked the next to pay for the stereo in that one
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I depend on my friends to get around right now, thank god they like me. LOL
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol yeah mine used to do that to me...then i started charging now its not as bad
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: well I do pitch in for gas, don't get me wrong, my mama raised me right.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah well some people pay but not everyone..i somehow always got roped into being designated driver and never even knew half of thew people i took home and no one ever offered to pay..that's when i started putting my foot down and saying no
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I would do the same, don't blame you
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah, at most i will have met some of these people 10 minutes b4 they had to leave..it was like i got labeled a taxi, the last time i was asked i just looked at the kid and told him either pay up or walk and he got pissed off and left on his own (serves him right for the way he was acting too
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I would have made him walk to. LOL
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: no you dont' know what all he was doing...he kept on bugging us to let him get a drink that was something other than water or soda (alcohol) well everyone that got alcohol had to pay atleast $10 one day the week b4 the party and he didn't so, to shut hhim up with gave him half a shot glass or water down vodka we made just for that reason and he started stumbling around like a complete moron saying "i'm wasted" over and over agian....(note i had drank like 5 shots or rum right b4 he did that and was barely buzzed)
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: damn, what a dork
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Asswholeyism is coming from a certain corner in here. Where could it be emitting from I wonder?
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah, that was also the last time we made our parties known to most people..if there was one after that it was either a BYOB, invite only, or the people that the host didn't know had to pay like 3x more than our little group
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..dont start another fight please
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Speak english, Amber says she knows a guy who can help you with it. But he he probably wouldn't want to speak to you in the first place because he hates your fucking guts and wants to kick your ass because of how you treated Amber while he was dying in the hospital.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: i'm not starting nothing...the only poo i smell smells like bird poo
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Yea one was enough for me, get over it boys.
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: aww...bird poo....fun times
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: ....lol
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: don't care, and trust me if any moron came after me he'd meet about 20 other people that would do more than kick his ass
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: ah, cant be a man on your own i see. oh well
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: no, i'm just saying if he is stong enough to kick my ass he wouldn't be safe
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: ummm...exactly as I said before.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: are you sure i'm the one that needs to learn english??? i just said i would fight him on my own..and if he kicked my ass there would be other people in waco that would kick his ass in nothing flat...you see the difference between a buddy and a friend is that a buddy will bail you out of jail the next morning after a bar room brawl..and a friend will be sitting there next to you talkign about how great it was
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: thats just a little odd....but anyways.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: i know it hard for you to comprehend....
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: That is such an old saying..i swear..and you said it wrong!!
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: oh yeah, that was because she was trying to be nice. but you know what, it just shows how in humane some people can be to not grow up or shit. but anyways. Goodbye.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: sure it is.......w/e and yeah i just noticed that i said it wrong..oh well it served it's purpose
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I would love for one day to come here and talk without anybody getting into shit over bullshit.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah same here... it gets on my nerves when people do shit like that and i appologize to everyone else that even though i try to stay away from it, it follows me everywhere
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ummok
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Im sorry for making you feel that wayShatureel, but I just just
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: sorry, caps was on, didnt mean for that to be yelling like
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: don't sweat it SC.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: please spell it right if your going to say it....and i'm not trying to be one your just trying to turn me into one
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Just let it drop and move on, enough is enough.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yes..next subject
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Thank you.
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: W/E, my english sux, and whats worse, I am in ApEnglish 4, lol
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: we all have our crosses to bare, me i suck at spelling,.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol, i'm only in honors but i guess that since your in china spring i should be nice...people in them thar red neck towns aint the brightest people
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: There you go again UT, if you don't have something good to say, don't say anything at all.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: wow you got onto me abotu old saings..that ones ancient, lol and yeah i know but i'm tired of people giving me shit for old shit that happened a long time ago
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I never said anything about sayings, but its what my mama always says, so I picked it up and it fits.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Im am not from China Spring you fucking dumbass. In case you are wondering, I went to Reicher for 10 years. So quit fucking telling me I am a dumbass for going to China Spring. And I will tell you something, In China Spring, at least we know how to read!
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: LMAO
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Read the Wacoan, it says that only 10% of the students there can legibly read.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: lol i know how too i went to all of waco's best schools and i'm now at plano's best sr HS and i made perfect scores on the taks and taas tests thank you very much
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I give up, I'm outta here, you two can battle all you want. Later dudes
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: nah i've got a race to get to here in a minute
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: i hope u crash adn break every bone in ur body so u will have to live in constant pain!
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: be nice jessi..that not kind..
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: i dont care
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: meh i know...i dont either but i was trying to be nice...
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: lol dont even try
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: nah i already do..i've got permanent knee damage...and plus it's only drag races so i won't be crashing
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: wow ur right there is nothing dangerous about racing cars at 100 miles an hour i dont know what i was thinking oh now i remember! DIE BASTARD
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: wow ..ur harsh...jared dont die...that would be sad...even though i dont like u and the feeling it muteral..
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: but waco is a dumbass school
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: anyways theres no reason for me to waste my time in here talking to ppl who couldnt give a shit about anyone but themselves...*
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yep that's right good ole' self centered me who'd do anything for any of his friends no matter what
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: lol GO AMBER!!
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: well ur such an asswhole who cant see passed his own self concern so yea i believe that to be true
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: u know what jared the next time u have a random thought dont keep it in ur head just feel free to say it ouloud so we can laugh at u
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: jessi be nice...ok dont cause i like that idea but yea u know me..hehe...im such the anti cool bitch who rains on everyones day..oh damn
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: .....right
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: but i am nice amber. its opposite day remember
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: yes i know i fucked up ur day and i tried to fix things but it doesnt matter and old mememorys die hard...or burn..not like it matters
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: u didnt fuck up my day....
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: heheh yes i did..dont u remember....it
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: what
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: blah...anyways
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: ..umm okay then
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: wait did u just talk to me..hi..how are you?
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: im lost *runs in circles around undertow*
2005-08-21 [In_memory_of]: dude me too
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: *trips undertow*
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: Lets dance so we not lost
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: ..............
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: danceings fun it tis
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: too bad i wasn't even here for that....idiots
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: why you calling people idiots
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: b/c i think they're idiots...you..
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Do you also think I'm an idoit
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: nope
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: ok thats cool
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah your not completely vehicularly illiterate like some people are so your okay
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: well thanks alot.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: NP
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I can't believe this shit, the same person that tried to hack me the other day just tried again, i wonder who the f------- it can be.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: it's not me if your suspecting me b/c i have to have someones IP address to hack and b/c i'm not a guard or a SS member i can't get it, lol if i did i probably still wouldn't i onoy hack into people i know really wells comps
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: never occurred to me that it might be you, no worries there.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: the best way to know if you have a virus,trojan,w
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: check for worm already, nothing got through, my system is working normal.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah every antivirus program has a "backdoor" that you can use to get around that..mcafee is the easiest one to get around...norto
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I have norton and so far its worked pretty good
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah but there's still holes in it..i use the computer associates one..and hey one thing most people dont' know you have to buy new anti virus software EVERY year b/c having an out of date anti-virus software is like running without any at all, it says it does updates but not for all new viruses and spyware..only what that version can handle
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I get automatic updates on the software, and they run a scan of my pc every other day,
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: yeah but liek i said if your runnning an older ersion like 2004 or 2003 it won't pick up near as many impurities that say 2005 or 2006 (which comes out in about a month or so)
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: when the new version comes out they automatically inform me, so no worries there, thats one thing I don't let expire.
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: no you have to go BUY the next edition for yours to be "up to date" they usually give current usuers a discount if you can prove that your run the version b4 the one your buying but it's only like a 10 or 20 rebate..anyway
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: I know that you have to buy it, I'm not a dummy. Don't treat me like one. Have a nice sleep, goodnight.
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: ......
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: wow thats alot of boring talk
2005-08-21 [iCh3wi]: Very boring.
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: second that notion
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: i didn't mean to sound like i was calling you dumb i was just saying that most people assume that they only have to buy it once and they're protected for life
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: *whispers* hes lying
2005-08-21 [Undertow]: *flips off dusk* piss off
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: sit on it and spin
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: i dont want anythin thats been up ur vagina
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Damn you all are gross. Maybe you didn't mean to, but you did.
2005-08-21 [Shadowsoul]: urrgh
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: Hey Shadow whats up?
2005-08-21 [Shadowsoul]: i'm cold and sick
2005-08-21 [Shatureel]: What you got.
2005-08-21 [Homewrecker]: k
2005-08-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Awww..poor Shadow...Im sick too...
2005-08-21 [Shadowsoul]: yeah
2005-08-21 [death how i long to embrace you]: ......
2005-08-22 [Homewrecker]: is that all u ever say
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: i think so *smiles softly*
2005-08-22 [Shatureel]: How cold is it over there, over here its 80
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: cold!
2005-08-22 [Shatureel]: I miss the cold, but I like the warm weather over here, love to swim.
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: meh
2005-08-22 [Shatureel]: LOL
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: meh
2005-08-22 [death how i long to embrace you]: *spins in circles*
2005-08-22 [iCh3wi]: I wish it was 3:30, then I could go home. It's sad, I am already out of school but I still have to stay here.
2005-08-22 [Ultra Hunger]: Lower Gas Prices
2005-08-22 [death how i long to embrace you]: what?
2005-08-22 [Homewrecker]: i wish there were lower gas prices
2005-08-22 [death how i long to embrace you]: yea i think that everyone does
2005-08-22 [Ultra Hunger]: do what the thing tells you to do and there will be
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: meh
2005-08-22 [Ultra Hunger]: DO IT!
2005-08-22 [Ultra Hunger]: I get my gas at Gulf
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: how much is gas over where you live?
2005-08-22 [Homewrecker]: bleh
2005-08-22 [Shadowsoul]: nahh i wanna know it's $1:18 a litre here
2005-08-23 [Shatureel]: over here it starts at $2.74, that really sucks.
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: here in plano it's like between $2.55 (racetrack) and $2.85 (chevron) but what's REALLY bad is..race gas (actually better for performance and environment) is only 2.50 a gallon i fill up every time i go to the drag races when i get there and when i leave
2005-08-23 [Ultra Hunger]: http://uncutoh
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Gulf?
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: bleh
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Im lost
2005-08-23 [death how i long to embrace you]: ummm ok then
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Verymuch so.
2005-08-23 [death how i long to embrace you]: so what you doin
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: u said very..........
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Lol, I was wondering if you would notice.
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: is somebody bored?
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: On here, yes, on AIM, not really.
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: lol yes the conversations are legendary
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, but Mainly me and yours, Codys' when he isnt playing a game
2005-08-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hmmmm
2005-08-23 [Shadowsoul]: meh
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: ..............
2005-08-23 [Shadowsoul]: ooooo
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: hi cody
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Hi Ariel
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: this is gettin repetetive
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: ...alot of shit on here's repedative
2005-08-23 [Shadowsoul]: yeah thats true
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: point being?'
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: dont feel jealous...
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: im only jeaslous of ariel jessi
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: ....sure kid w/e
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: how old are u
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: old enough
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: hes old enough to bitch is all we need to know
2005-08-23 [Shadowsoul]: *sighs*
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: *eats banana peel*
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: true true the only one who bitches as much as he does is my mom and she 50
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Shes 50? God Damn, my mom is only 40. Dad married a younger woman this time sis.
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: lol thats nice well maybe he can keep up with her this time that old bastard
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: well i bitch b/c i'm not afriad to state my opinion on things...your mom probably bitches b/c she's got you two idiots for kids
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: actually there is like 6 of us but whatever slut bag...and i state my opinion and here it is...........y
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Lol, Jared, her mom isnt my mom. I don't live with her, I live with our dad and step mom, Jessi lives with her mom and step dad.
2005-08-23 [Shadowsoul]: meh
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: well there are like 6 of us all together
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Yeah, Katherine, Jessi, Richard, Shelby, Sam, and Jennifer.
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: And 1 step sister, Aaron.
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: Jared reminds me of one of those dime store hookers that run around raving at ppl about their sins
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: No, thats not him, thats Kayla.
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: He could be like the owner.
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: jesus tapdancing christ on an upside down cross, i can't stand having one sister and 2 step siblings that live out of the house...but of course as you can plainly see most people annoy the crap out of me
2005-08-23 [Undertow]: me???? i'm a fucking virgin still so no hooker references please....i may have a dirty mind when it comes to things like that but i'm not a dumbass, i hate kids much less want one
2005-08-23 [iCh3wi]: Whats wrong with them out of the house? None of my siblings live with me. Jessi lives down the street with the twins Sam and Shelby, and Katherine and Jennifer each live with other parents.
2005-08-23 [Homewrecker]: i really never would have never noticed if u hadnt pointed it out
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